
Friday, October 10, 2003

I just got my official permanent Michigan driver's license. This means I actually have to take the NC license out of my wallet and add it to my collection of out-of-date IDs. It is quite a collection now. In cronological order:

*March 30, 1993 - "Author ID" from my 7th grade English class, proving that I wrote a children's book to send to a needy elementary school for a class project. It was about different breeds of dogs staying in a kennel. I illustrated it myself.

*March 25, 1994 - My first official picture ID, issued by the State of NC, so I could present ID when our family went on a cruise for my grandparents' 50th anniversary.

*1994/95 academic year - W.G. Enloe High School ID card. The first year my high school had photo IDs.

*May 19, 1997 - May 18, 2002 - United States Passport. With this passport, I went to Costa Rica, Taiwan, Chile, Argentina, and Peru. It served me well. Chile has the most colorful stamps.

*July 19, 1997 - August 3, 1997 - ILISA Instituto de Idiomas ID. My ID with my host family's address and phone number in case I got lost while I was at the intensive language school in Costa Rica for 2 weeks.

*August 1998-August 2001 - Grinnell College ID. My first college ID, with my first-year picture on it. It has lines worn through the picture from being scanned for 2.5 years at the dining hall.

*February 2001-July 2001 - Universidad de Chile, Alumno Libre Internacional. My student ID from la Chile, during my semester in Santiago. I only took one class with that institution.

*also February 2001 - July 2001 - Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, Credencial Universitaria. My student ID from la Católica, where I took my other 3 classes in Santiago. Ah, the memories of the giant, welcoming, modern art Jesus at the entrance to the campus.

*August 2001-May 2002 - Grinnell College ID. While I was in Chile, Grinnell switched to new ID cards that had more scanning functions, so I had to get a new one when I got back. This one features the new, short-haired me.

*January 2, 2002 - Capital Area YMCA. I finally got around to getting a new Raleigh YMCA card. Not that it's done me much good since then.

*Summer, 2002 - Beloit College ID. From the intensive Japanese school at Beloit's Center for Language Studies.

*1998-2005 - State of North Carolina Driver License. I had the background of the Wright Bros. plane. It even had a good picture. Up until now, it was the only license I ever had, from the time I was first licensed to drive at the age of 18. *sniff, sniff*

This whole collection would be complete if they'd let me keep my gaijin (foreign resident) card when I left Japan.

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